Monday Merry Meet: Alys West

It is an absolute pleasure to meet the witches of the Enchanted Emporium. I hope you enjoy reading our chat about Samhain, ghosts and superpowers.
Alys xx

The Enchanted Emporium Bookshelf

Today we’re excited to chat to Alys West, author of the witchy series the Spellworker Chronicles. We hope you enjoy hearing about Samhain, her books and spells.

Monday Merry Meet: Alys West

Willow:Hi Alys, come in it’s blustery out there. It’s as if you brought your Storm witch with you. We’ve heard the waves hit the harbour walls all day. Usually we’re too far away.

Amber:On the plus side the courtyard has gathered so many autumnal leaves, I can make a wreath. Can I get you a drink? We have our own blends of tea, Yorkshire tea, as no one can beat that for a proper cuppa, coffee or something different?

Alys: I’ll have a cup of green tea with jasmine if you’ve got it. Thanks for inviting me to visit your wonderful shop. I love Whitby. It’s one of my favourite places. I always feel history really…

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Willing Suspension of Disbelief: The Dirigible King’s Daughter by @alyswestyork #Steampunk #RBRT #AugustReviews

My steampunk novel, The Dirigible King’s Daughter will be published tomorrow and today it’s being review by Barb Taub on her fabulous blog.

Barb Taub

“disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business”—Tom Robbins

"That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith." —Samuel Taylor Coleridge [image credit: Steampunk by Mike Savad]“That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.” —Samuel Taylor Coleridge
[image credit: Steampunk by Mike Savad]

The first and most basic thing any artist asks of their audience is the willing suspension of disbelief as they approach the artist’s version of reality. In theaters, audiences watch a boy teach three children how to fly to Neverland. Movies feature animated rodents who sing, do housework, and sew wedding dresses without ever pooping on anything. Readers follow the adventures of a boy wizard, all the while wondering what’s become of their own letter from Hogwarts. Fans of the Chicago Cubs and the Norwich Canaries buy seasons tickets, sure that this will be “their” year. American voters actually cast ballots for Donald Trump. [It’s possible that last one represents not so much a willing suspension…

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Dealing with Rejection by Alys

I’ve had a few rejections recently so I thought I’d write a post about it for the Write Romantics blog. It was surprisingly cathartic!


I got two rejections last week.  One of the upsides of having an agent is that those emails don’t come directly to me anymore.  But one of the downsides is that my agent seems to store them up and I tend to hear about two at a time which is a real double whammy.  I also get more feedback these days as the editors give at least a line or two about the book, giving a couple of positives before they get to the reason why they turned it down.

Doubt Kills More Dreams

I thought the feedback would be a good thing, give me an idea of what I need to work on in my writing.  But they’re so contradictory that I don’t know what to take from them.  One of this week’s rejections said they didn’t like Maeve, the antagonist, whereas an editor who turned me down before Christmas said Maeve was…

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A Steampunk Winter’s Tale

Last Saturday was launch day for the short story anthology, Winter Tales – Stories to Warm Your Heart.  As one of the Write Romantics I’ve been working on this since February when we first came up with the idea.  You can read more about the anthology and why we decided to publish it here. Absolutely … Continue reading A Steampunk Winter’s Tale