Happy Halloween!

As York is in Tier 2 my Halloween celebrations are going to be pretty low key this year. I’m going to miss trick and treating with my godson who thinks Halloween is the best holiday, even better than Christmas, due to the sheer quantity of chocolate on offer!

I have however made a little video of me reading from ‘Storm Witch’. This is my first attempt at anything like this and this is take 381 (or maybe it just felt like that!) It’s a bit rough and ready having been filmed in my spare room on my mobile but I hope you enjoy it.

‘Storm Witch’ is on promo this weekend and is only £2.99 for the ebook so please share the word and tell your friends if you think they’d enjoy it. This link will take you through to Amazon to buy a copy.

It is, of course, Samhain as well and if you’d like to know about the folklore of Samhain you can find out more here…

I’ve been sharing ways of celebrating the Sabbats through writing this year and these are a couple of prompts I’ve used myself and with my mindful writing group:

  • The veil between the living and the dead is thinnest at this time of the year and particularly at dawn and dusk. Which do you feel most drawn to? Write about experiencing dawn or dusk (sunrise or sunset). Describe it using all of your senses. Where were you? Who were you with? What made it special?
  • As the days get shorter our energies turn inwards. This is a time to make new plans which will germinate and grow during the winter months. It was traditional to eat and apple and use the seeds to share what you wish to incubate during the winter – and then eat them! You’ve got up to six seeds, each one symbolizes something you’d like to develop during the winter months. Write about each one and why it’s important. 

However you’re celebrating Halloween or Samhain I hope you have a wonderful time.

Alys x

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